dead site, contact me via Elaine Pomeransky on web or


NOVELS | press review | Jane Haining | Death Row | Jewish | photos | oil paintings | Family Tree | Book Launch Central Library | Article in The List | The Star on Ictis | Curtain/Toynbee Theatre and Redbridge Youth | * | Children's lullaby poem | Dr. Kent's review of Ictis | LOURDES | Hippy days in St. Ives | Heroines | Autumn and me | Section 18 | Tom Keating | Section 20 | Section 21 | Book Cover | Section 22 | Qualifications | Section 24 | Section 25 | Section 26 | Section 27 | Section 28 | Section 29 | Section 30 | Section 31 | Section 32 | Section 33 | Section 34 | Section 35 | Section 36 | Section 37 | Section 38 | Section 39 | Musicals | Press review | Press Reviews | Press Reviews | PUBLISHED POETRY

These beautiful women I met in Edinburgh Synagogue in 2007. They were a part of the Anne Frank Memorial and told their own heartbreaking sufferings and the sufferings of others.  It was a privilege and honour to meet them. 

It was an honour to meet her in 2007
An amazing lady who saves lives.

This beautiful lady told her tragic tale
It reduced me to tears. Yet look at her now!!

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