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Death Row

NOVELS | press review | Jane Haining | Death Row | Jewish | photos | oil paintings | Family Tree | Book Launch Central Library | Article in The List | The Star on Ictis | Curtain/Toynbee Theatre and Redbridge Youth | * | Children's lullaby poem | Dr. Kent's review of Ictis | LOURDES | Hippy days in St. Ives | Heroines | Autumn and me | Section 18 | Tom Keating | Section 20 | Section 21 | Book Cover | Section 22 | Qualifications | Section 24 | Section 25 | Section 26 | Section 27 | Section 28 | Section 29 | Section 30 | Section 31 | Section 32 | Section 33 | Section 34 | Section 35 | Section 36 | Section 37 | Section 38 | Section 39 | Musicals | Press review | Press Reviews | Press Reviews | PUBLISHED POETRY


During the many years I was bedridden/housebound I decided to try and do what I could for others. As I am opposed to the death penalty I thought I should take a stand. I was in many papers as I fought for the lives of two men at Potosi. The governer of that State refused the two men mercy, and it was only a few years after the executions that both he and his son were killed in a plane crash. After the executions I did not continue to campaign against captial punishment. I was traumatised by their executions, but also felt I'd failed those who were victims of crime, or families of victims and had no one to support them.









